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Questions submitted by mail are welcome and will be answered at the earliest opportunity.


Frequently asked questions are listed below:

Q  Can anyone get access to the simulation model?

A   The feasibility of making a tailored version of the simulation model accessible to users is currently investigated. In the meantime, requests for specific simulations may be submitted. Requests will be considered for adding to the “list of casts”.

Q    Do the air drag forces generate a net lift force on the line “helping to keep it in the air”?

A   This has been analyzed for the 50ft oh cast reference, see 3rd plot from the end. With the gravitational force acting on fly line, leader and fly as reference, the output shows that air drag generates 41% of the lift force. The remaining 59% of the lift force is generated by the vertical component of the internal line force at the rod tip. The numbers are averages for a complete casting cycle”.

Q  Could you simulate double haul for a symmetric cast with the 50ft cast as reference? If possible, vary the timing of the max hauling velocity in relation to max angular velocity.

A   Two 50ft cast comparisons have been added,
Incl. and excl. double haul, 50ft oh casts, comparison incl. and excl double haul
With variable timing of the haul, 50ft oh casts, comparison timing double haul