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The theory, applied on rod and line, is described in some detail on this page. For further details refer to the following reference:

H. Ekander, N.C. Perkins, B. Richards, Development of a simulation model for fly casting and application to overhead casting, Sports Engineering (2025) 28:2
This article may be viewed using the following link: https://rdcu.be/d4OBz


Coordinates for the co-moving system (s,n) and the inertial system (x,y) are presented below left, and force definitions for an element below right:



Newtons equation:            


Kinematic constraints:         

Bending moment:              



           mass per unit length

       force (), bending moment

             force per unit length,  (fluid drag, gravity…)

       bending stiffness, material relaxation time            

         curvature, , rate of change,  

        velocity (), angular velocity,


Solution procedure:

7 differential equations and 7 unknowns:              

BCs external and internal between materials:       



·     Generalized alpha in time.

·     Space centered.  


Iterative solution procedure on each time step:

      Banded matrix for the solution vector:      

    The error vector  gives the Jacobian:       

      The Jacobian matrix is inverted:             

      The solution vector is updated:               

      Iterate until:                                             



The physical coordinates are calculated as follows (at each time step).


Energies and work

Energies and work are additional output computed at each time step on each domain i e.g. rod, fly line, leader.


Potential, kinetic and strain energies are computed as follows:


Work by drag forces, material damping, and caster input are computed as follows: