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The theory in 2D, applied on rod and line, is
described in some detail here.
Coordinates for the co-moving system (s,n) and the inertial system (x,y) are presented below left, and
force definitions for an element below right:
Newtons equation:
Kinematic constraints:
Bending moment:
mass per unit
force (), bending moment
force per unit length, (fluid drag, gravity…)
bending stiffness, material relaxation time
curvature, , rate of change,
velocity (), angular velocity,
7 differential equations and 7 unknowns:
BCs external and internal between materials:
· Generalized alpha in time.
· Space centered.
Iterative solution procedure on each time
• Banded matrix for the solution vector:
• The error vector gives the Jacobian:
• The Jacobian matrix is inverted:
• The solution vector is updated:
• Iterate until:
The physical coordinates are calculated as
follows (at each time step).
Energies and work
Energies and work are additional output
computed at each time step on each domain i e.g. rod, fly line, leader.
Potential, kinetic and strain energies are
computed as follows:
Work by drag forces, material damping, and
caster input are computed as follows: