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The reference below describes the simulation model used on this web site:


H. Ekander, N.C. Perkins, B. Richards, Development of a simulation model for fly casting and application to overhead casting, Sports Engineering (2025) 28:2
The article may be viewed using the following link: https://rdcu.be/d4OBz


Other references relevant to development of simulation models for fly casts are presented below:


D. Phillips, The technology of Fly Rods. Portland, OR: Frank Amato Publications, Inc., 2000.


C. Gatti-Bono, N. C. Perkins, Physical and Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of a Fly Line. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 255, 2002, Vol. 3, ss. 555-577.


C. Gatti-Bono, N.C. Perkins, Numerical model for the dynamics of a coupled fly line/fly rod system and experimental validation, Journal of Sound and Vibration 272 (2004) 773–791


J.I. Gobat, M.A. Grosenbaugh, Time-domain numerical simulation of ocean cable structures, Ocean Engineering 33 (2006) 1373–1400


D. Anderson, N.C. Perkins, B. Richards Quantitative understanding of the fly casting stroke through measurements and robotic casting. Sports Eng 2006; 9: 97-106.


G. Wang, N. Wereley, Analysis of fly fishing rod casting dynamics. Shock Vib 2011; 18(6): 839-55. 


U. Röijezon , S Siikavaara, A Comparison of Distance Fly Casting Performance Between Three 5-Weight Long-belly Floating Lines, The Open Sports Science Journal, vol 5, pp 118-122, 2012.


U. Röijezon et al, An Initial Study on the Coordination of Rod and Line Hauling Movements in Distance Fly Casting, Annals of Applied Sport Engineering, vol 2, pp 61-72, 2017.


G. Spolek, Chapter 11 Design and Materials in Fly Fishing, Materials in Sports Equipment, Elsevier Ltd., 2019.


R. Hakamata et al, Dynamic modeling and parameter identification of an elastic rod for analyzing fly-fishing, The 28th Jc-IFToMM Symposium on Theory of Mechanism and Machines, Proceedings of the 5th Jc-IFToMM International Symposium, 2022