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Verification, falling horizontal “line”



The purpose of this verification is to demonstrate that the simulation model uses correct values of the normal drag coefficients (accounting for form and friction drag).



The vertical position and speed of a horizontal line falling from rest is determined by the following three types of forces: inertia forces (mass times acceleration), gravity forces and air drag forces. Initially, the force balance is dominated by gravity forces and inertia forces. As the speed increases, the relative magnitude of the air drag force will increase until it equals the gravity force, and a “terminal” speed is reached.

Lines used in fly casting i.e., fly lines and monofilament lines, are difficult to study experimentally since the “memory” inherent in these lines makes them curl as soon as the ends are “let free” (internal tension is required to keep them straight). To verify the simulation model applied on a horizontal line falling from rest, a larger diameter “line/cylinder” was chosen. The “line/cylinder” used, was a piece of a “pool noodle”. The benefits of using a pool noodle were that:

·     The “line” stayed nearly straight and horizontal during the free fall.

·     The terminal speed is low (about 3 m/s) and the “line” will almost reach its terminal speed within a 2 m fall.

·     Visibility of the pool noodle, in combination with the speeds and dimensions involved, made it possible to capture the vertical positions versus time using a video camera and a measuring tape, see frame below.

En bild som visar gräs, utomhus, pol

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The drawbacks of using the pool noodle were that:

·     The finite length introduces some end effects. The air drag per unit length is decreased near the ends compared to the center. This effect was accounted for by reducing the air drag in the simulation model.

·     The Reynolds number in the experiment becomes higher than what is typical during fly casting. This difference was not considered as critical for the verification because the flow pattern is similar for both Re (well below critical) and the drag coefficient is altered only about 5%, ref. “S. F. Hoerner, Fluid dynamic drag, , 1992. Bakersfield CA: Hoerner Fluid Dynamics”.

The measured data for the pool noodle is listed below:

·     Length: 0.798 m, Diameter: 0.059 m, Mass 26.65 g

·     Mass/unit length: 0.0334 kg/m, Length/Diameter: 13.5

The account for end effects is based on data from “Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Knudsen J. G. & Katz D. L., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958”. For a cylinder with L/D=13.5 the average drag per unit length in the simulation was set to 87% of the drag for an infinitely long cylinder.



Henry Mittel of Long Beach Casting Club has contributed designing and conducting the experiments. This is gratefully acknowledged.



Two experiments using the same set-up were conducted. The results from them are denoted drop 1 and drop 2 respectively. The results for the measured and calculated vertical positions versus time are presented below:

Speeds for the experiments have been obtained by differentiating the measured positions with respect to time. The results are presented below as is the calculated speed:


·     The simulation model shows that at time 0.8 s the vertical speed is about 97% of the terminal speed. Hence, the relative contribution from inertia forces is about 1-0.972 = 6% at the end of the experiments. This shows that at the end of the experiments, air drag force almost balances gravity force.

·     The agreement between experiments and simulations is within the spread in the experimental data. This holds for initial times (when air drag is small) as well as final times (when air drag is dominating).

·     The spread in experimental speed data is increased in comparison to the spread in position/drop. This is explained by the differentiation required to obtain speed from measured positions.

·     The achieved agreement demonstrates, within the accuracy of the experiment, that the simulation model uses correct normal friction coefficients based on the line’s diameter, air properties and instantaneous speed.